15 Things Every Teen should Enjoy

Being a teenager is a perfect time for those fun, crazy things you would never do as an adult. You only live once and you're only be a teenager once, so make these years of friends and freedom count. Here are the tips to enjoy your teenager life and things that teens should enjoy:

1. Enjoy being young.

        We should enjoy being young or enjoying our youth because it is one of a lifetime experience. It is the time when we can do crazy things that we can never do as an adult.

2. Find your goals.

          Finding your goal helps you determine what would you do when you are an adult. It can help you determine what course you would going to prefer on college.

3. Idolizing people.

             Our idols serves as an inspiration. They make us happy and our life complete.

4. Spending time with their family.
         Not every time we are with our family. You would build another family soon and you would  find a job. So grab this chance to spend your quality time with your family.

5. Fandom/ Fangirling

          Every teens have their own idols. Our idol serves as our inspiration in our studies and to pursue every little things that we like to do. And lastly, our idols makes us happy and our life complete.

6. Making new friends/ Spending your time with your friends.

             They said that "No man is an island" because we can't live without others or our friends. Every teens should enjoy being with their friends because they just temporary and they help you to be whatvare you now.

7. Music

          Music is changeable generation to generation. We should now enjoy our music because it will be vanished through the next generation.

8. Study/ Education

             We should enjoy this because it is only the treasure that our parents can give us. It is the only things that can't rub by others. Enjoy your studies because it can help to have a beautiful future.

9. Games

         Our teenager life would be not completed without games. This is one thing that we would miss when we are adult.

10. Expanding your knowledge.

           Expanding your knowledge helps you to understand the things around you.

11. Pursue your hobbies.

             Pursue your hobbies so that you can decide what course or job you are going to choice someday. Pursuing one's hobby can help you became popular in this profession and help you have a better future.

12. Learn to appreciate things.

            We are blessed with a beautiful environment. As teens, we should now learn to appreciate things on our surroundings and be thankful on what things you have now.

13. Be yourself.

         Stop pretending what are your true identity. Just show them who you are and help yourself become better.

14. Communicate to other.

           Learn to communicate to others. It can help you have a self confidence and have more friends.

15. Time with yourself.

           You must have a time for yourself. Having a quality time with your self help you know yourself more.


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